Saturday, June 17, 2006


CSPANs Washington Journal asked the question if partisanship is good for government. (I can't get the exact question. Having trouble accessing the site.)

The Constitution is a product of partisanship and could arguably be called an imperfect document permitting slavery and discrimination against women and aborigines.

The beauty of the document lies in the Bill of Rights. The concept of federalism and the 9th and 10th amendments should have guaranteed that partisan arguments would be vetted in the states before pushing themselves onto the national level.

With Lincoln, FDR and the Supreme Court effectively killing federalism, coupled with a national media, partisan issues best left to be resolved at the state level: abortion and homosexual marriage, for example, have gained national prominence.

Partisanship is good. It indicates people are passionate about an issue. We now have a government and media that magnify local partisan issues onto the national and international arena.


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