Saturday, December 30, 2006

Two Deaths

I just wanted to put this down before I happened to see if anyone else said something more eloquent than I (which should not be too hard).

At this moment President Ford's state funeral has just finished. He is being honored by those he used to rule. Even those who disagreed with his decisions.

This morning, Saddam Hussein, another former head of state was executed by those who he used to rule.

While Ford was never elected to the job, he did his duty to the Constitution has he saw it. He lost to Carter in the next election and continued to try and help people until his natural death.

Hussein assassinated a former Iraqi president and eventually became a dictator which he personally murdered or forced to died on the battlefield millions in wars with Iran and the USA.

And the world, the media and the liberals have the gall say the USA is the worst country in the world.


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