
Sunday, July 09, 2006


According to Michael Goodwin, WWIII has started and the USA, in particular, Bush and Goodwin, don't know how to fight it. In Star Trek's "A taste of Armageddon" war has been waged between two planets for over 500 years. Instead of bombs they used computers to predict casualties from simulated attacks and those who were unlucky had to enter disintegration chambers.

Kirk, of course, throws a wrench into the works resulting in the threat of total annihilation to both planets. Naturally, they decided to negotiate and Kirk saves his ship and two planets.

If the west is going to win this war, it must swallow hard and begin fighting the Chicago way. We must first stop holding back the Israelis and begin to support Taiwan against China.
Maybe a few tactical nuclear weapons need to be deployed and the world needs to be reminded what total war is without destroying ourselves.

Where is Kirk when you need him?