
Monday, August 07, 2006

Save the Sulphur

A suggestion was made to inject sulphur into the atmosphere to reduce global warming.

What happens when a volcano erupts?

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Now Follow the Constitution

Justice Kennedy thinks the jury is out on the US form of government.

It might help if his branch of government would follow the Constitution for a change and maybe the world and Americans would understand liberty.

Mormans and Hezbollah

Mormans and, apparently, Hezbollah, provide social services to their people.

Hezbollah just provides more bang for their bucks.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Religion and Power

For centuries, religion has been used to help the political power structure. There were Jewish kings and then were Christian emperors and Popes. All used religion to direct the masses.

When Martin Luther removed the veil and people realized they did not need a pope to talk to God, the political power of the church declined.

Nationalism replaced the religious strings used to control the masses, and that seems to have reached its peak a few decades ago.

Unfortunately, politicians have not stopped searching for strings to pull for power. Since religion and nationalism, at least in the west, have declined, now global warming, communism (still) pacifism, and homosexual marriage are being used for political power gain.

What is my point? Many in the third world are culturally passing through these stages the west survived the past few centuries. Unfortunately , they have much greater fire power.

Jesus is a liberal?

I saw this bumper sticker a few days ago and wanted to ask the driver what is a liberal.

Liberals today promote abortion, euthanasia, homosexual marriage, adultery and many other behaviors prohibited by the ten commandments.

So does the driver belief Jesus would promote abortion? Jesus would forgive, if asked, but I don't think He would promote murder.